Wednesday, April 11, 2012

15 Evergreen Inspirational Quotes

Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill) - Blogging...Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill) - Blogging Bookshelf (Photo credit: The Booklight)
"There's no next time. It's now or never."

"Youcan fail so very often. But you are not a failure until you give up."

"Don't fight forces, use them."
--R.Buckminster Fuller

"Joysdivided are increased."
--J.G. Holland

"You get the best out of others when you get the best outof yourself."
--HarveyS. Firestone

"Saddleyour dreams before you ride em."

"With confidence, you have won before you havestarted."

"Letdeeds match words."

"It takes a lot of things to prove you are smart, but onlyone thing to prove you are ignorant."

"Baseballis ninety percent mental and the other half is physical."

"The minute one utters a certainty, the opposite comes tomind."

"Toinsure peace of mind ignore the rules and regulations."

"Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic."

"Educationcomes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought."

"A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe thatwas the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that ifwe kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue toopen their wallets."

"Amarket is never saturated with a good product, but it is very quickly saturatedwith a bad "one.