Monday, February 28, 2011

Quotes of The Day

Joke of The Day
Pappu: Why didn't you marry until now?
Teeloo: I was searching for an ideal match.
Pappu: you still haven't found an ideal girl?
Teeloo: I found one.
Pappu: Then?
Teeloo: She too was searching for an ideal match.

Quote of The Day
A diamond was laying in the street covered with dirt. Many fools passed by. Someone who knew diamonds picked it up.

Gyaan of The Day
Nepal is the only country whose national flag is not rectangular.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Quotes of the day

Joke of the Day
Father to pappu : Why don't you consider every women as your mother?
Pappu : I can,but if i did so, What will people think of you?
Quote of the Day
Bharatanatyam is now world famous with thousands of new votaries. What about Koodiyattam?.....I have done what I can. It has not been easy. One has to sacrifice a lot to learn Koodiyattam. How many persons will be ready for it these days? Will there be an audience capable of imbibing it? Mani Madhava Chakyar, Considered the greatest Chakyar Koothu and Kutiyattam artist and authority of modern times
Gyann of the Day
The highest cricket ground in the world is in the chali,Himachal Pradesh(2444 meters above sea level).

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quotes of the year

365 Quotes for 365 Days

Leadership Quotes


Image quotes

           The best images chosen by me
                                                -source internet
                                      The awesome 3D animation

Scroll Down to see the depth of image          
Amazing Real Arts made only with plants


Size of the Earth

The Size of the Earth in the universe is shown in the above...

Touch and Inspire

The Ten words to Touch and Inspire

                                         The most selfish one letter word 
                                                              - Avoid it
                             The most satisfying two letter word 
                                                             - use it.
                              The most Poisonious three letter word 
                                                              - Kill it
                              The most used four letter word 
                                                              - Value it
                               The most pleasing five letter word
                                                              - keep it
                                The fastest spreading six letter word
                                                              - ignore it
                                 The hardest working seven letters word
                                                              - Achieve it
                                  The most En-viable eight letter word
                                                              - Distance it
                                  The most powerful nine letter word
                                                                - Acquire it
                                   The most essential ten letter word 
                                                                   - Trust it

My Dream Quotes

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wisdom Quotes

Words of Wisdom
  • "The thoughts we think and words we speak create experience".
  • Our lives are not determined by what happens to us,but by how we react to what happens to us.not by what life brings to us, by the attitude we bring to live.
  • Never look down on any body unless you are helping him up.
  • Victory is gained by resolution and determination.
  • In the end we will remember not the words of enemy but the silence of the friends.
  • Half of the solution of a problem is to put a hand on the problem.
  • Empty cans make the most noise .
  • Dont except anything,in this way you will never disappointed.
  • To change everything first change by yourself.
  • Arguing with a idiot makes you too idiot.

Cute Poses

Cute Poses

Best friendship quotes

  1. Friends are of the gods way to take care of us.
  2. Treat your friends as like pictures and place them in the best light.
  3. The roads are never long for friends house.
  4. people will forget what you did, what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
  5. we all take different paths in life but no matter where we go,we take a little of each other where we go.
  6. True friendship is like health and wealth,we will know the value when we are far from it.
  7. A good exercise for heart is to bend and give hand to another one.
  8. The greatest gift is not found anywhere,but in the heart of true friends.
  9. It is easy to be in chains with friends than to be in a garden with friends.
  10. The man can be best described by his friends he choose.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes
  1. A friend will release u from jail,but a best friend will be with u saying "That was great".
  2. If u were a tear in my eye,i would never cry because i cannot lose a friend like u.
  3. A best friend will spread the secrets but for only right reasons.
  4. A true friend will feel twice the happiness and thrice the sorrow u feel.
  5. Friendship is a candle which lights your heart.
  6. A best friend is the one who shares everything with you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Quotes of the day

Cool Quotes and famous quotes of the day

  1. Our true character is that person become when no one is watching.
  2. Better to live one day as a lion either to live thousand years as a lamb.
  3. A ship in a harbor is safe but that's not they are built for,either we.
  4. Friends are like a box of chocolates you keep that tastes good throw remaining.
  5. If they choose to judge you,it says more about them then you.
  6. If the movies say that it is easy to find love why cant i find yet?
  7. If you are good at something then you don't do it for free.
  8. Being in love cannot pay your bills, so love your job.
  9. A persons real character is shown at the time of worst situation.
  10. Have nothing nothing can u lose.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Positive affirmation of the day

Positive affirmation of the day: I am flexible and open to looking at my problems from a new perspective. I trust the universe to place an opportunity to grow in each of my challenges.

quotes of the day

A man walking down the street noticed a small boy trying to reach the doorbell of a house. Even when he jumped up, he couldn't quite reach it.The man decided to help the boy, walked up on to the porch and pushed the doorbell. He looked down at the boy, smiled and asked, "What now?"

The boy answered, "Now we run like crazy!"
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.


What others think of me, is none of my business.
Today's mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground … stick at it.
Time is not money. time wasted is often time well spent. where as money wasted is merely redistributed!
It’s not how you look when your playing the game, its how you play the game when people are watching.Make your training a hell, so the real fight won’t be.
You don’t have to be friends with everyone, but you should be friendly.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Inspiration board

Positive affirmation for the day: Today I know that I am not alone. Today I know that I am connected to something so much bigger than me, guiding me in all situations. All I have to do to get help is ask for it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

inspiration board

Positive affirmation for the day: I know that I cannot be hurt by anyone if I consistently look for their best. Today I continue to search out the best in all my relationships, looking for something I can love in everyone.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

inspiration board

Positive affirmation for the day: Today I will look honestly at what is real without denial and judgment. I accept my reality without struggle and this gives me all the energy I need to deal with what needs to be done.

Monday, February 14, 2011

inspiration board

Positive affirmation for the day: I am accepting myself just as I am. I am not striving to be perfect today. I only want to grow, to change, to become more and more open to everything life presents me.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

inspiration board

Positive affirmation for the day: I am accepting myself just as I am. I am not striving to be perfect today. I only want to grow, to change, to become more and more open to everything life presents me.

Friday, February 11, 2011

inspiration board

Positive affirmation for the day: Today I know that if I am coming from good and love, then only good and love will happen. Today I know that what I give, I receive back.